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Babywearing Expert Tips

Do you have questions about your baby carrier? In this category you will find babywearing tips for all of our baby carriers, including on how to put them on correctly, product information and tips for every stage of life, every season and every one of your favourite Ergobaby products.

7 Reasons Why Parents of Newborns Love Our Embrace Baby Carrier

  • Ergobaby
  • Jun 27, 2022

Let’s face it: there’s nothing quite as exciting as the first few weeks after a birth, with that little, incomparably good-smelling creature suddenly part of the family. For parents, this time usually means overwhelming love, unprecedented responsibility and, at the same time, endless questions. Now it’s about getting to know each other and building a…

Breastfeeding/ Chest feeding in our Omni Baby carriers

  • Ergobaby
  • Jun 18, 2022
nursing carrier omni dream pink quartz

For all those who didn’t know it yet: Baby carrying and breastfeeding/chestfeeding is an unbeatable combination. There are even studies that show that intensive physical contact between mum and baby promotes successful breastfeeding/chest feeding and that the use of a baby carrier can even outweigh the negative effects of a complicated birth or initial separation….

Why Choose Babywearing?

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 30, 2022

Why Choose Babywearing? Chances are if you’re here on the Ergobaby blog you’re already considering babywearing! But if you’re not yet sure exactly why babywearing is so great, you’ve come to the right place!   In a nutshell, babywearing allows parents and caregivers to keep babies safe, comfortable and happily in close contact while providing them…