Using a baby carrier is universally loved by babies and parents alike. After all, there’s nothing quite as cosy, comfortable, and practical all at once. A baby carrier offers a win-win situation for everyone involved. It allows you to keep your little one close, responding promptly to their every need. This gives your baby a…
Have you ever wondered why babywearing is so popular? It’s not just about keeping your little miracle close and doing something good for your child. Babywearing is also great postnatal exercise, positively impacting your fitness and well-being. It offers you a wonderful opportunity to build a close bond with your baby while simultaneously doing something…
We love babywearing! It’s really in our DNA. Our founder Karin Frost designed her first baby carrier more than two decades ago as she simply couldn’t find anything satisfactory on the market at the time so ended up founding her own company. One of the things she made sure of is that Ergobaby carriers adapt…
We’re keeping everything crossed for a wonderfully hot summer with lots of sunshine ahead. We’re looking forward to finally not having to put on and take off so many layers when switching between indoor and outdoor activities. However, we know it can be tricky figuring out how to dress baby in summer with the heat….
Up and down and up and down… If you have an older baby or a toddler, then this pattern will be familiar to you. Your little love wants to be held close but is still very active. One moment they want to be in your arms and then just seconds later the impulse to move…
When I became a mother for the second time, one of the things I was most excited about was that I could start tandem carrying my daughter with her two-year-old brother! The options and choices for carrying both of them together were vast and I was so excited to try them all. You can use…
How babywearing, breast/chestfeeding and co-sleeping can strengthen this bond Bonding. A term that is probably buzzing around in the heads of many expectant parents. Some have already dealt with it intensively and know the importance of bonding with baby and how they plan to do it. Others may worry that they will not be able…
Any element of parenting is full of myths and old wives’ tales, and babywearing is no different. While these are slowly dying out, there are still people desperate to tell you that baby carriers aren’t safe, aren’t comfortable, are too tricky to use… the list goes on. So we’re here to bust five more babywearing…
Carrying a baby close to you is probably one of the most beautiful moments in the lives of new parents. But then as a company that manufactures ergonomic baby carriers we would say that right? That’s why we wanted to know from you whether this is really the case. What exactly are your reasons for…
Is your Ergobaby baby carrier a use-it-every-day kind of item? We hope so! After all, cuddling with your little miracle is one of the most beautiful things there is. And an ergonomic baby carrier is practical to boot. So, if your baby carrier is in constant use, then you probably also know it’s prone to…