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Behind the Scenes

Ergobaby up close – Here you can find out more about our 20-year history, how we started and about all of our products, product tests and projects!

Good for the environment and good for baby: Ergobaby’s sustainable baby carrier

  • Ergobaby
  • Jun 8, 2024
Aerloom Baby carrier from Ergobaby

Is there such a thing? A sustainable baby carrier? Absolutely, and not just one. Ergobaby baby carriers are all fundamentally sustainable due to their durability. They are regularly used for multiple babies across multiple families. But that’s not all. With many of our baby carriers, we already focus on sustainability in terms of materials and…

8th of March is International Women’s Day: We celebrate Ergobaby’s founder Karin Frost.

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 8, 2023

Yes, women are great, but that’s not what we celebrate on the 8th of March. So, what is International Women’s Day then? Unfortunately, there are still many areas of life where women struggle for equality – be it salary or discrimination in different professions. Equality is therefore an important topic that discussed during International Women’s…