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Babywearing Expert Tips

Do you have questions about your baby carrier? In this category you will find babywearing tips for all of our baby carriers, including on how to put them on correctly, product information and tips for every stage of life, every season and every one of your favourite Ergobaby products.

Seven Baby Carrier Myths Busted

  • Ergobaby
  • Nov 24, 2022

“Baby carriers hurt my back”, “Your baby will never learn to sleep on their own if they always sleep in a baby carrier”. “Too much carrying is bad for baby”. You may have already heard these statements or similar prejudices about baby carriers. We would like to take the time to explain why it is…

Discovering the World from a Baby Carrier with a Forward/outward Facing View

  • Ergobaby
  • Nov 23, 2022

You may think forward facing is unhealthy and a total sensory overload. Of course for such a controversial topic, we understand all perspectives. Our thoughts always revolve around ergonomics and comfort, and this topic is no exception. In 2014, we developed the Ergobaby 360, the first baby carrier for which parents could ergonomically carry their…

One baby carrier for all: Ergobaby’s carriers are suitable for almost all body types.

  • Ergobaby
  • Nov 14, 2022

Every body is beautiful in its uniqueness and very individual shape. And we don’t just mean small and tall or petite and strong. No! You’ve probably already noticed the incredible variety that nature produces in us humans: male, female, transgender, non-binary, long or short torso, broad or narrow shoulders, much or little waist, large or…

International Babywearing Week 2022 (Part 2)

  • Ergobaby
  • Oct 3, 2022

Babywearing and the miracle hormone oxytocin During October, International Babywearing week is being celebrated around the world using the theme “Love transforms.” This is part 2 of our International Babywearing blog series. If you missed our first blog, ten reasons why parents love using a baby carrier, you can catch up here: International Babywearing Week…

International Babywearing Week 2022 (part 1): Ten reasons to love babywearing

  • Ergobaby
  • Oct 1, 2022

This year’s International Babywearing Week has been themed “Love transforms” and will be celebrated during October. We would like to use this occasion to share the benefits of babywearing with our top ten reasons to love using a baby carrier. Baby carrying has many positive effects on your child’s development, your bond together and your…