Expert Tips for Parents
Health & Wellness
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
June 26, 2023
Preparing a meal or your favourite snack together with your baby or toddler can be really fun. Even if you see images of splattered walls, squished ingredients on the worktop and a completely soaked child in your mind's eye - cooking with children actually has many advantages for your little one and also for you as a family. Our experienced weaning coach Lola from DME Bébé in France will tell you what they are below.
Encourage independence
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
June 25, 2023
Parents of newborn babies are often nervous about placing their baby on their stomach. After all, your baby can't really hold its head up by itself yet so it’s understandable that when your little one starts to lie on their tummy, you want to quickly turn them onto their back.
And it’s no wonder if your baby grumbles at the start. The prone position or “tummy time” is not as easy for your baby at first because their head is so heavy. In addition, their spine is not yet erect in the double S-shape as it is in adults, and their hip joints are more forward so they can't lie down straight and have to work actively against this in the prone position. And sometimes they just don't feel like doing it.
What is the purpose of the prone position of a baby?
Even if the motivation
Ergobaby Community
Expert Tips for Parents
June 22, 2023
Our Ergobaby expert midwife, babywearing consultant and sleep specialist Katrin Ritter has been getting lots of questions about our baby bouncer, so we have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions, and answers here.
Baby bouncer: The most frequently asked questions
1. What are the benefits of a bouncer?
For most situations a baby carrier is the perfect solution at home to keep your baby close to you and still have
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
June 04, 2023
Do you wear your baby as often as possible? Us too! Did you know that you can wash a baby carrier? With frequent use, your baby carrier will probably go through the washing machine regularly. After all, stains and spills are standard for the course with babies - milk goes astray, nappies leak and don’t even start us on spit up!
Washing your baby carrier more often is not a bad thing, after all, our Ergobaby baby carriers are durable and long-lasting. Otherwise, we wouldn't have our
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
June 01, 2023
Whether you’re thinking about which must-have items you should be packing for your hospital bag or wondering when your baby will start making those adorable aaaahs and ooohs or are Googling how long the cruising stage lasts, our latest newsletter is just the thing for you.
Our Ergobaby experts along with midwife and babywearing consultant Katrin Ritter have thought about how we can support you with lots of useful knowledge during pregnancy, birth and throughout the first year of your baby's life.
The result *drum roll* ... our Baby Steps Newsletter!
With it, we are by your side through the later stages of your pregnancy and during the most important baby development
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
May 30, 2023
Breast/chest feeding is the most natural thing in the world. However, for some it can be challenging, yet somehow it is so easy for others. Lift your top, latch your baby in a relaxed position, done! Once you decide you want to try breast/chest feeding, so many questions suddenly arise. Our experienced midwife and babywearing consultantKatrin Ritter knows this situation only too well. That's why we've collected our most frequently asked questions from new parents and had Katrin provide you with her expert advice in the answers below.
Breastfeeding tips: The 10 most frequently asked questions about breast/chest feeding:
1. Baby falls asleep while breast/chest feeding - is that bad?
The smaller your baby is,
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 09, 2023
A baby bouncer is a newborn essential item for everyday life with your little one. That's why we have developed our Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer together with a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon. The Evolve baby bouncer gives you a safe space to keep your baby close, while you enjoy a moment or two hands-free around the home.
From a cosy newborn lounger, to a calming infant bouncer, and then a fun toddler seat the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer is designed with ergonomics at the forefront for a perfect fit.
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 09, 2023
Outward-facing babywearing used to be a controversial choice. We're going to shed some light on the topic and dispel some old myths. Concerns over comfort and safety date back to a time when there were no ergonomic baby carriers available, and the baby carriers used to allow baby‘s legs to dangle when carried.
With the invention of our Omni carriers, the ergonomic forward facing carry really shows what it can do. It makes parents' and carers’ everyday lives so much easier, promotes joint activity with your child in all environments and is very practical.
All of our baby carriers have been tested and certified by both the AGR (Aktion gesunder Rücken e.V.) campaign for healthier backs and the International Hip Dysplasia Institute offering you total peace of mind when it
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 07, 2023
From the 8th to the 14th May 2023, we are celebrating European Babywearing Week, which is themed "Facets of Babywearing".
We know there are many reasons to carry your baby.
Simply because, anatomically speaking, it is the most natural place for a newborn to be.
It promotes the bond between parents/caregivers and child and at the same time strengthens trust.
You have your hands free to do the hundred (or thousand!) things you need to do in a day.
To stimulate the flow of milk and to breast/chest feed on the go if that’s how you feed your baby.
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 05, 2023
It's finally feeling hot, hurrah! With the rising temperatures it can leave parents feeling worried about babywearing during the summer months. We often receive lots of questions about wearing a baby carrier in the summer. These include: How do I protect my child from the sun? Won't it get too warm? Which baby carrier for the summer? Should I use a carrier at all in the summer or should I rather use a stroller with a sunshade? The questions are endless…
Babies can’t completely regulate their own temperature at first. So, when you as parents sweat, you are like the air conditioner for your child but completely natural air conditioning! Parents can cool and warm their babies through their skin – depending on whether they are too cold or too hot. So, take advantage of this wonderful feature that has been given to you.
However, we do recommend if the weather