Expert Tips for Parents
February 11, 2025
It’s nearly time! Soon you'll be holding your tiny miracle in your arms and you probably won’t want to put them down for a second. And since your little treasure will feel most comfortable close to you, babywearing from birth is an easy choice. But which is the best newborn baby carrier? Or is it not a carrier at all - should you start with a baby wrap?
It’s probably not easy to answer this question.
Baby Gear
August 08, 2024
You've probably noticed that we have two new Ergobabies - the Ergobaby Alta and the Ergobaby Lift Hip Seat. Our little family continues to grow. But if we already had the perfect baby carriers in our range, why are we adding new ones? Because we are dedicated to giving you the maximum support possible through every step of your parenting journey. Whether you have a newborn, baby, toddler or a combination!
If you have already used, or at least seen, our Omni baby carriers, the similarity to the Alta may be confusing. Or you might wonder what additional benefits a hip seat could have if you already have a baby carrier that can be worn on the hip like
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
July 29, 2024
We love babywearing! It’s really in our DNA. Our founder Karin Frost designed her first baby carrier more than two decades ago as she simply couldn't find anything satisfactory on the market at the time so ended up founding her own company. One of the things she made sure of is that Ergobaby carriers adapt with baby as they grow. And as your little love gets bigger there will come a time that they feel less comfortable on your front, at which point (and before if you like - as long as they reach all the steps listed below) we absolutely recommend trying a back carry in your Ergobaby carrier. It has lots of advantages and is expressly encouraged by our midwife and babywearing consultant Katrin Ritter.
Baby Gear
July 17, 2024
You have been carrying your baby for nine months. They have constantly heard your heartbeat and felt your closeness. They have felt safe and secure. So it's no wonder that they need this closeness after they arrive in the world. With a baby carrier or wrap, you can give your baby exactly this feeling of safety and security. This allows them to relax and so they are more likely to fall asleep. At least in the first few months of life.
Have you ever asked yourself though, if it’s safe for your baby to sleep in a baby carrier? Or should you wake your baby when they fall asleep in it? Our babywearing expert
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
July 03, 2024
We’re keeping everything crossed for a wonderfully hot summer with lots of sunshine ahead. We’re looking forward to finally not having to put on and take off so many layers when switching between indoor and outdoor activities. However, we know it can be tricky figuring out how to dress baby in summer with the heat. The challenge is always to protect baby from overheating. But what does that mean in terms of actual pieces of clothing? And what about at night, in the stroller, or in their baby carrier / wrap?
Whether it's a stroller or baby carrier, during the day or at night - we've put together a few tips to help you know exactly what your
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
June 27, 2024
We have a new baby! Hooray! Ergobaby has a new baby carrier. And it’s something a little bit different. A hip seat baby carrier. Or rather, two. The Ergobaby Alta and Ergobaby Lift. Alta is a hip carrier with a removable back panel that looks similar to its siblings the Omni and Adapt, but is quite different. Lift is a pure hip seat baby carrier - without a back panel or shoulder straps.
Why a hip seat? These are two essential everyday helpers that fit perfectly into our existing collection and are a great addition to a "normal" baby carrier. Especially as a secondary carrier when your child starts crawling, walking and wants to come
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
June 26, 2024
Up and down and up and down... If you have an older baby or a toddler, then this pattern will be familiar to you. Your little love wants to be held close but is still very active. One moment they want to be in your arms and then just seconds later the impulse to move or curiosity comes back and they want to be free to move on the floor. In moments like these, it's usually not worth putting on your carrier because you will just be taking it back off again two seconds later. So instead, you push your pelvis to the side and carry baby on your hip.
The result: Suddenly your arms become heavy, you can feel your hips and lower back as they start to pull or even hurt. This repeated movement can cause a lot of things to go wrong in your body and it's not good for your little one either. Today, with the help of our midwife and babywearing expert
Baby Gear
June 21, 2024
We are so excited about the launch of Omni Dream Linen baby carrier! This carrier takes one of our best-selling carrier models and makes it even dreamier with timeless linen fabric.
So, why linen? Why did we want to design a carrier made with this classic fabric? We have a LOT of reasons to share!
Check out our new Linen Baby carrier
What is linen made of?
Linen, derived from
Baby Gear
June 17, 2024
To celebrate Black Babywearing Week this year, I want to tell you the story of my third child and how babywearing saved his life (dramatic, I know). This story is about his neurodivergence and our journey to that through babywearing. Full disclosure, my story is unique to our experience and will not be everyone’s. A friend once told me that if you meet one person with Autism, you’ve met just one person with Autism, because everyone who is Autistic is so unique and individual to their journey.
Babywearing beginnings
This story begins in 2010, surprisingly. That’s when I was pregnant with our first and at my baby shower, I got a baby wrap. I didn’t know much about it as a first-time parent, but I was determined. I remember watching loads of YouTube videos trying to figure it out and when I did, I felt UNSTOPPABLE. My first was born in the
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 10, 2024
When I became a mother for the second time, one of the things I was most excited about was that I could start tandem carrying my daughter with her two-year-old brother! The options and choices for carrying both of them together were vast and I was so excited to try them all. You can use pretty much any type of sling or carrier for tandem babywearing. I quickly became adept at using one woven wrap to carry them both! However, when my toddler son wanted to get up and down a lot and my newborn daughter was sleeping - this swiftly became impractical outside of nap time.
Stretchy wraps and buckled carriers soon became my “go-to” carriers. They offered flexibility, variety and I could get both of my children in and out independently of each other. As they grew, this evolved into using two buckled carriers for speed.
As a Slingababy trained Carrying Consultant, I have also worked extensively with parents