EBP Lifestyle Brands UK, Ltd.

Tax Strategy

EBP Lifestyle Brands UK, Ltd (“EBP”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of The ERGO Baby Carrier, Inc. (“Ergobaby”), headquartered in the US. The following sets out EBP’s tax strategy and approach and has been approved by the Board of Directors. EBP regard this publication as compliant with its duties under Part 2 of Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016 for the year ending December 31, 2025.

This tax strategy and approach will be periodically reviewed as appropriate and any changes updated once approved by the Board.

UK Tax Strategy and Approach

EBP’s tax strategy supports the Ergobaby global tax strategy of minimizing UK tax risk by:

Observing all applicable laws, rules, regulations and reporting and disclosure requirements

Meeting all legal requirements and filing the appropriate returns

Paying the correct amount of tax in the appropriate jurisdictions in a timely manner

Considering the Ergobaby brand, reputation as well as our corporate and social responsibilities

Tax planning is never undertaken as an isolated exercise. The Ergobaby group and EBP only undertake tax planning that is aligned with its commercial and economic activities, and which has commercial substance. We would not undertake tax planning that was not within the tax law and spirit of the legislation of the countries in which we operate. EBP does not enter into contrived or artificial tax arrangements intended for the avoidance of tax.

Tax Risk Management

Ergobaby Global Finance, which includes the Ergobaby Chief Financial Officer, as well as the European based Finance Team, are responsible for management of EBP’s UK tax risk. This management is based on adherence to Ergobaby policies and procedures, strong internal controls and advice and counsel from UK based tax, accounting and legal advisors where appropriate.

EBP do not accept a level of risk which would potentially result in reputational harm or which may adversely affect EBP’s relationship with H M Revenue & Customs.

Approach to Dealing with HM Revenue & Customs

EBP is committed to acting in an open, honest and transparent manner when dealing with HM Revenue & Customs office. EBP strives to minimize tax risk and any disputes with HM Revenue & Customs by complying with relevant filing, reporting and disclosure requirements.

Date Published   December, 17th 2017

Date Updated  January, 5th 2025