A baby bouncer is a newborn essential item for everyday life with your little one. That's why we have developed our Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer together with a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon. The Evolve baby bouncer gives you a safe space to keep your baby close, while you enjoy a moment or two hands-free around the home.
From a cosy newborn lounger, to a calming infant bouncer, and then a fun toddler seat the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer is designed with ergonomics at the forefront for a perfect fit.

Thanks to the innovative removeable newborn insert, our bouncer is the first and only baby bouncer to be certified by the Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. association (Campaign for Healthier Backs). We've really gone the extra mile to offer you ergonomics and comfort. However, none of this is of any use to us if you as parents are not satisfied with our product.
That's why we conducted an in-home blind "baby bouncer study" with 110 parents in the USA. For 30 days, the test families were able to test both the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Baby Bouncer and the BabyBjörn Bliss Bouncer.
What did the results show? 2 out 3 parents preferred the Ergobaby Evolve Baby Bouncer.
Baby bouncer study: Ergobaby and BabyBjörn in comparison
The Evolve 3-in-1 Baby Bouncer offers ergonomic support and comfort from day one through to toddlerhood. According to the manufacturer, the BabyBjörn Bliss Baby Bouncer is also suitable from birth. Therefore perfect for a direct comparison. Both products were intensively scrutinised by 110 US parents in-home, double-blind study. The results:
1. Better support for newborns
Three quarters of the parents surveyed felt that the Evolve 3-in-1 Baby Bouncer offered better overall support and specifically for newborns compared to the BabyBjörn Bouncer Bliss.* The majority of parents also felt that the Evolve Bouncer provided better support for the baby's head, hips and legs.

2. More safety and comfort
Over three quarters of parents felt their baby was safer and more secure in the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Baby Bouncer compared to the BabyBjörn Baby Bouncer Bliss.*
3. Easier to handle
More than two thirds of parents thought the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer was easier to use rather than the BabyBjörn Bouncer Bliss.*

Baby bouncer test: Parents prefer the Ergobaby 3-in-1 Evolve Bouncer
We're not surprised by the result. The Ergobaby Evolve Bouncer safety harness can be fastened and unfastened using a simple click system. The practical step pedal helps to adjust the backrest. Evolve comes with a removable, ergonomic newborn insert, optimally protecting and allowing space for baby’s sensitive head from day one. As babies can only turn their head to 45 degrees in the first few months, the back of the head should always have enough room to turn. By using a flat surface, such as a baby bouncer without an insert, there isn’t enough space to allow for baby’s head to rotate, which can lead to flat head syndrome. At the same time, the Evolve Bouncer brings the early childhood spine, hips, legs and head into an optimal ergonomic position.

Exactly these points excited the test parents. For example, we received reviews like "I love the newborn insert. It made the bouncer feel very comfortable, but also safe for my little baby... She absolutely loved sitting in it! She smiled broadly every time I put her in the bouncer. It must have felt very calm and reassuring for her!"
Let's face it, what more could you ask for?
Enough of the admiration. Order your Erogbaby Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer here.
*Rating from the parents who expressed a preference for the BabyBjörn Baby Bouncer Bliss in an independent study of over 100 parents in the USA