Expert Tips for Parents
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 24, 2024
Welcome back to your baby's delicate development journey. We've reached month four and it’s time for “4-month-old baby milestones”, the fourth part of our blog series "Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year. So today, together with our expert and midwife Katrin, we want to look at what your baby can already do at the end of their fourth month of life.
Your baby's urge to move and explore increases during this time and is also the driving force behind their development. They want to grasp, feel, and explore. Not only is everything felt with the
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
April 18, 2024
Congratulations, you're pregnant! At least that's what we're assuming since you're interested in how to correctly calculate a due date. Or, as they’re more officially known – an estimated date of delivery (EDD). As it is relatively unlikely that the estimated due date will actually be the date of birth, because most babies are born a few days or weeks earlier or later. There are various reasons - apart from pure curiosity - why it is important to know your baby’s due date. Our midwife Katrin Ritter will explain why this is the case and share a due date calculator for whether you’ve conceived naturally or via artificial means and whether you’re having one baby or multiple!
Calculating the due date
Only a few children (around 4-5 per cent) are born on their due date. It is therefore only a guide for you and your midwife / gynaecological practice. To calculate
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 17, 2024
You’ve mastered the walk (or waddle, we’ve been there!) around the block, you’ve done your first grocery shop since baby arrived and now it’s your first day out with baby!
The first time you have a day out with baby is very different from the spontaneous trips you took before you became a parent. Whereas before you simply grabbed your bag and set off, a day out with baby take a little more planning. But no matter where you’re going and what you’re doing we’ve got you covered with the ultimate checklist of things to take with you. Nappy explosion in a café... no problem! Baby starts clamouring for a bottle or boob just as you step in a changing room... you’ve got a plan! We’re going to share all our secrets for success!
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 11, 2024
Cuddling, feeding, changing nappies, and looking at your baby in love. This is what the first few weeks with your little miracle will hopefully look like. But at some point, everyday life catches up with you again. And that includes grocery shopping. It might seem unbelievable that a trip to the supermarket will feel like a whole day out once baby arrives but trust us, it will! However, shopping with a baby is different to what you used to know. It requires more planning and includes less browsing! But we’ve got you covered with our eight top tips for stress-free shopping with baby.
Shopping with a baby - how to make it work:
1. If you can, take support with you
As with most things baby-related, an extra pair of hands can be invaluable. Particularly
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
April 04, 2024
Breast/chestfeeding has so many benefits for mum and baby. But unfortunately, first-time parents with no experience are often unsure when it comes to breast/chestfeeding after birth. After all, they don't know exactly what to expect. They hear and see a lot in advance. From glossy social media images of happy breast/chestfeeding to well-intentioned advice from family members and friends to honest and unembellished testimonials from mum friends... All of this influences their own expectations of what can and should happen after birth. This information can often cause uncertainty or even stress. As wonderful as breast/chestfeeding is, it can also be stressful at the beginning (but it doesn't have to be).
Our midwife and breast/chestfeeding expert Katrin Ritter knows that although both parent and child are made for breast/chestfeeding, both have to learn it first. So that’s exactly what we’re sharing today: a “how to” for
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
March 19, 2024
You've waited so long for the moment when you finally hold your little baby in your arms. This breath-taking moment, these incredible emotions, this miracle... And yet for many mums (and dads too), this moment heralds a phase characterised by expectations, pressure, and stress. Ideally, of course, this shouldn't be the case. But unfortunately, in many cases we ourselves and our outside world make sure that we want too much and that everything runs smoothly and perfectly. Especially when it comes to breast/chestfeeding. Mums who want to breast/chestfeed their baby quickly become nervous if things don't go as planned straight away. Understandably so. After all, they see their baby lying hungry in front of them and want to finally give them what they so desperately want. And then it doesn't work...
The situation just described leads us to ask how stress and breast/chestfeeding problems are connected. How does the stress experienced
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
March 14, 2024
We’re back again with our blog series sharing baby milestones by month titled "Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year. Today is the third instalment with the 3 month-old baby development steps and milestones. So, what can a baby do when they have been in this world for a quarter of a year? Our midwife and expert Katrin shares more...
Are you ready for a little more action? Your baby definitely is. They are moving out of the period where they familiarise themselves with this big new world and the urge to explore is awakened. They have left the initial adjustment difficulties behind, and your little treasure is feeling more and more at home in this world. If they suffer from flatulence, for example, this should improve by the end of the third month. This
Expert Tips for Parents
March 06, 2024
It's a science in itself: baby sleep. It can be a rough ride for many parents because although baby is tired, it seems they won't sleep. But, do they not want to sleep, or are they simply unable find their own way to sleep? After all, they are bombarded with a lot of new information every day, every hour, every second, for such a little creature. It keeps their body and mind very busy, and it can be hard for them to ‘switch off’. But lucky for them, they have you. Because with your help, they can get the sleep they need. The basic ingredients for this are: relaxation, a strong sense of security, and routines. Nothing beats routines and rituals to help your baby fall asleep. Because they convey security and security relaxes them.
A few months ago, we shared tips on how you can help your little miracle
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
February 27, 2024
It happens so quickly. Week after week, this little newborn surprises you with a new, more developed skill. Time is racing and you probably want to freeze it to preserve every moment. The bad news is that unfortunately, that's not possible. The good news is that many unforgettable moments still await you - incredibly exciting and beautiful. And every age and stage has something special, something unique, along with new challenges of course.
So that you know what to expect, last month we launched our new blog series "Baby's developmental milestones with Ergobaby: Baby's first year” starting with “Your 1 month old baby”.
Expert Tips for Parents
February 13, 2024
The topic of sex after birth remains a turbulent one. After all, everything suddenly revolves around your new baby. And yet, your own needs and your relationship should not be neglected. You can be rest assured, you are not alone with this topic. Intimacy after having a baby is something that comes up for most couples. Dutch sexologist and anthropologist Mandy Ronda confirms this. Time and again she receives questions like: “Since we had a baby, it’s really impossible to have sex spontaneously. We sometimes hear about putting sex on the agenda. But how can we schedule it?”
Read more about what the “sex expert” advises….
Mandy Ronda, sexologist and anthropologist:
“The fact is, your couple relationship changes after the birth of your baby. And it’s the same with