How a Compact Stroller Will Help Your Everyday Routine
The everyday routine of a parent is busy and at times chaotic to say the least. And while children are wonderful, they can also make everyday errands into an epic event. Need to run to the store just for milk and toothpaste? Alone, you can be there and back home in 10 minutes. But with a kid, you never know how long it’ll take. You have to pack a change bag, put your child and his stuff in the car, drive to the store, take him and his stuff out of the car—there’s 25 minutes right there (not including any surprise setbacks) and you haven’t even made it into the store. It can make any sane parent feel like going crazy.
But everyday life requires leaving your house some days. You have places to go and people to see; not to mention your sanity to keep. Want to know what can help you keep your sanity? A compact stroller. It can’t pack a change bag or put your child into his car seat, but it does add some convenience to your everyday routine.
What are the benefits of compact strollers?
How to choose a stroller nowadays doesn’t mean you have to choose between having a sturdy stroller that can hold your baby and all the things a baby needs and a lightweight stroller that you can easily push, fold, and take in and out of your car. With today’s compact strollers, you don’t have to compromise. You can get the convenience and function you want, while your baby gets the comfort they deserve.
Compact Convenience
A compact stroller is exactly what its name claims—compact. It’s compact when it’s folded and when it’s in use. It’s small enough so you can walk up and down store aisles and hallways or push in and out of elevators without taking up the entire space. Plus, being so lightweight and portable, there’s no hassle taking one traveling. You won’t need to buy a gym membership and take up weightlifting before buying a compact stroller. It’s also convenient to store. You can fold it up and stick it in your coat closet, garage, or the trunk of your car and still be able to fit everything else in those areas you need.
Parent-approved Performance
Today’s modern versions of compact strollers are very functional. They’re easy to steer, and although lightweight, they’re sturdy and have good wheels. Many can also be folded up using just one hand and come with storage compartments and an easily accessible locking mechanism.
Child-approved Comfort
Convenience and function are key for you. But even more important is making sure a stroller is comfortable for your child. With padded seats that recline, leg rests, and sunshades, it’s not hard to find a stroller that will be so comfortable that your baby falls asleep on your afternoon walks.
Better Prices
With a compact stroller, you often save on both space and money. There are some that can be pretty pricey, but it’s a lot easier to find a compact stroller you like in the price range you like.
When can you use a compact stroller?
Compact strollers are a great choice for when you need something that’s lightweight, simple, portable, and easy to navigate. They’re great for all those should-be-quick outings, like going to a store, the mall, a restaurant, or the doctor’s office.
They’re also ideal for traveling. Compact strollers fit nicely in the trunk of a car without taking up much space. They’re also better to push around an airport than a robust jogging stroller, and some can even fit inside an overhead bin. And if your daily routine includes riding a bus or subway, you can’t pick a better choice than a compact stroller. So if you’ve been wondering if you need a travel stroller, I think you’ve got your answer as to what kind of stroller you need.
Who can use a compact stroller?
Another great thing about compact strollers is that just about anyone can use one. From parents and older siblings to grandparents and teenage babysitters, no caregiver should have a problem using one of these simple, lightweight strollers. The only person who may have a slight problem is someone who’s really tall. If you were blessed with height, then you would have to bend down a little more to reach the handles. But again, because compact strollers are lightweight and easy to maneuver, they should require less effort to push and therefore less strain on your back.
Why You Want the Metro Compact City Stroller
Ergobaby’s Metro Compact City Stroller offers something for every family and every family’s daily routine. It offers the compact convenience you’d expect from a compact stroller, along with all the normal features and functions you want in a stroller—and some you didn’t know you needed.
Our compact stroller has all the practical, baby-focused, and parent-approved features and functionality you’d want. Just see for yourself what makes the Metro Compact City Stroller so special:
- Ultra-compact and lightweight — Its folded dimensions are 20.8 x 16.9 x 9 inches, and it only weighs 14 pounds. These numbers simply mean this compact stroller is easy to steer and store.
- One-hand fold — Hold your newborn or a wild toddler all while folding up the stroller. And unlike many compact strollers, you don’t have to reach underneath the stroller to fold it up.
- Smooth ride suspension — With its spring suspension and large back tires, your baby won’t wake up when you walk over curbs, sidewalk cracks, or bumpy trails.
- Ergonomic comfort — Like our baby carriers, your baby will experience ergonomic comfort in this stroller. The cushy padded seat supports your baby’s head, neck, back, bottom, and legs, while the deep recline and adjustable leg rest help your child kick back and relax into a long snooze.
- Spacious storage spaces — You don’t just get a large storage basket under the stroller; you also get a hidden seatback pocket to hold everything you and baby need on your day-to-day adventures.
- Removable seat pad — We know how messy life with kids gets. That’s why we made our seat pad removable, so you can throw it in your washing machine after every spilled milk, smashed crackers, and blowout fiasco.
- All-season accessories — The stroller’s materials and large UV-50 sun canopy with a peek-a-boo window allow you to use it through every season. It’s also compatible with our weather shield for a rainy or windy day.
- Ready from day one — Start using from the day your baby is born up (with Newborn Kit sold separately) until he’s 40 pounds.
Wherever you need to go, the Metro Compact City Stroller can go with you. It’s perfect for city use on pavements and bumpy streets. You can also take it on buses, trains, and airplanes, as well as fit it into compact cars. Running errands? Running for your daily exercise? Grocery store or mall runs? No problem. This compact stroller also lets you go out to eat without blocking walkways. It folds and fits underneath most restaurant tables.
The Metro City Compact Stroller won’t hold you back from going to the store, exercising, brunching with friends, or rewarding yourself with frozen yogurt after another busy but successful day of parenting. It’s easy to see why it’s the best stroller for getting out and about, all while keeping baby comfy.
Kirsten Metcalf is a writer, editor and mother to a hilarious but very strong-willed toddler and a beautiful baby girl. She started writing short stories in elementary school and years later became a sports reporter and editor. Now, she mainly writes marketing, religious and parenting-related blog posts. Even before she knew she wanted to be a writer, Kirsten knew she wanted to be a mom. She knows being a mom is one of the most rewarding but hardest jobs out there, which is why she loves being able to share parenting knowledge and support to other moms through her writing. When she actually wins negotiations with her toddler, Kirsten likes to reward herself by watching KU basketball, eating cheesecake, or going on a Target run by herself.