Expert Tips for Parents
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
August 02, 2022
One of the top concerns on the minds of new mums and mums-to-be is breastfeeding/chest feeding. That's why we covered the crucial first hour after birth in the first part of our blog series on breastfeeding/ chest feeding problems. If you haven't read the blog yet, take a look here.
In this article, our midwife and babywearing expert, Katrin Ritter talks about how to latch baby correctly.
Why breast/chest feeding is a brilliant decision
Immediate, undisturbed and extended skin-to-skin contact is the foundation to successful breast/chest feeding . This is not the sole responsibility
Health & Wellness
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
July 20, 2022
Nipple piercings: What do I have to bear in mind during pregnancy and breast/chestfeeding?
When you hear terms like snake bite, flat helix, high nostril or orbital, you immediately know what it's all about? Great, then maybe this is the right blog post for you. For everyone else: The above terms refer to different piercings for the mouth, ear and nose. Since body jewellery is currently making a comeback, we wanted to take another look at the topic of piercings and answer the question: can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing? It's clear that a nose or ear stud won't get in the way. Unless your baby discovers something glittering on your face and wants to pull it (ouch!). However, this post is about nipple piercings.
So, if you have your nipples pierced and you're wondering can you breast/chestfeed with a nipple piercing in, then read on:
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
July 20, 2022
The warm season is finally here. But with the sometimes sweaty temperatures, many parents ask themselves: Can I also carry my baby in a carrier in summer? And of cou,rse we have a few good reasons why you can. For one, you can easily go anywhere with the carrier and reach any lake or mountain, or take a stroll in the sand. On the other hand, pushchairs and prams can quickly become a risk factor in summer when it comes to dangerous heat build-up. It is often parked in the sun because the hood provides shade and usually also has UV protection. Then many parents put a cloth over the front of the hood to protect their little one from the sun and suddenly it gets boiling hot inside the pushchair. And the problem is: no one notices because the child is hidden behind the cloth and the hood. Overheating happens more quickly than when you're carrying, because you can feel the baby close to your body and have a better view of how your baby is doing. However, there are of course a few things to keep
Expert Tips for Parents
July 17, 2022
The world is opening up and confidence in travel is returning. Perhaps you too are in the process of planning your holiday with your little ones? Many families then worry that a lack of routines and time zone differences could throw their little ones off. While some children tend to cope easily with change, others are less adaptable. Our UK sleep specialist Gemma Coe is a mum of two herself and as a certified baby and child sleep consultant. She helps families all over the world develop healthy sleep habits. Today, Gemma tells us what to look out for when it comes to children's sleep when travelling.
Child sleep on holiday
"First of all, I want to say to you: don't worry too much. You are on holiday. It's a short time when your number one priority should be FUN. If you throw out all your routines and schedules during your travels and develop other methods
Expert Tips for Parents
July 14, 2022
Hooray, a baby! How does it feel to be a mum now? Let’s discuss what few people talk about: Between postpartum, breastfeeding, nappies and sleepless nights, after a while it's not so easy to feel like a woman and partner too.
Secretly, quietly, sex disappears from the relationship for many and the question is: How do we get it back? And what is the reason for this in the first place? Time and again, Dutch sexologist and anthropologist Mandy Ronda meets new mothers who tell her: "Since giving birth, I don't feel attractive and therefore don't feel comfortable with my partner naked. Is this normal? How can I feel sexy again?" We are therefore pleased that Mandy explains to us below how we can reconnect with our bodies and find closeness in our partnership .
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
July 06, 2022
"Sleep, little baby, sleep..." is the sound of many parents dreams when putting baby to sleep in the cot. But what happens when the "little dream" doesn't really work out and mum or dad shake the baby out of sheer desperation? In counselling, even as an expert, you are confronted with stressful issues from time to time. A parents' intuitive ability to soothe their own baby can be negatively influenced from the outside. This can be the case, for example, through prolonged sleep deprivation, general exhaustion, postpartum depression, traumatic birth experiences, loss events or even a crying baby. It is estimated that between 100 and 200 children are admitted to German hospitals with shaking trauma every year. Experts assume that the number of unreported cases is high. Therefore, when working with parents, it is also important to be vigilant and to react promptly in case of a case.
What causes parents to shake their
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
July 02, 2022
Are you expecting a baby and want to breastfeed no matter what? Then this is the right article for you. Because many chest/breastfeeding problems in the early postpartum period can be avoided if you keep a few important things in mind. Since the first hour after birth is the most important foundation stone for a successful chest/breastfeeding start, today we would like to take a closer look at the nine phases of a newborn's adjustment. Our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter will again explain to you what you and the midwives looking after you should pay attention to.
The nine phases of a newborn's adjustment
The Swedish doctor Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Widström from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and her team observed children in the first hours after birth and analysed hundreds of hours of video material. They discovered nine
Expert Tips for Parents
June 29, 2022
Do you know the feeling? You're turning into the road to your house in the pram or car and poof, your child has fallen asleep. As we all know, this has been a nerve-racking experience for one parent or another. But what about napping on the go? Do these power naps ruin your little ones sleep routine? Or can you actually use them in a positive way?
Our guest author Gemma is a mum of two, living in the South East of England. Gemma specializes in sleep after a career in healthcare. As a certified baby and child sleep consultant, she has since been helping families all over the world to prepare for the arrival of their little ones. She has developed healthy sleep tips and can offer advice when things get tricky. Today, Gemma tells us all about napping on the go and also shares a little bit of her own secrets.
Gemma Coe
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
June 19, 2022
Happy Father's Day to the new dads, the stay at home dad’s, the dads that miss things while they're at work, the dads who have lost their loves, the dads reading this on the loo where they're hiding, the dads absolutely crushing it, the dads barely holding it together, to anyone that considers themself a Father in any way...
With the upcoming celebrations we asked ourselves: What would your baby write on a card for Father's Day, if he already could? "Dear Dad, when you carry me, I feel safe and secure. On your chest I enjoy your warmth and your very own dad scent. I stay calm with your regular heartbeat and the gentle vibrating of your chest when you speak with your deep voice or sing for me – and yes, even when you snore. I like to bury my nose in your chest hair and love exploring the world from so high up. You make the best jokes. Dad, you help me to learn how to trust. You help me to develop
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
June 18, 2022
For all those who didn't know it yet: Baby carrying and breastfeeding/chestfeeding is an unbeatable combination. There are even studies that show that intensive physical contact between mum and baby promotes successful breastfeeding/chest feeding and that the use of a baby carrier can even outweigh the negative effects of a complicated birth or initial separation.
So if you want to breastfeed/chestfeed your baby, it is worthwhile to carry him or her as often and as close to you as possible. Especially after birth, letting your baby crawl to your breast while lying on your mother's stomach is the most important building block for starting the breastfeeding/ chest feeding relationship. The physical closeness also stimulates milk production through the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Of course, it's no wonder that your little one gets wind of this when you're out and about in the baby carrier and wants a sip.