Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
September 01, 2022
Wow what a summer! The heat makes us sweat more and our need for fluids increases.
Parents often ask themselves whether breast milk is enough for their baby in the warmer months. Or whether water should be offered from time to time in the heat.
Here is the short answer for all those who are in a hurry: No.
For all of those who want to know more details, please read on.
Why breast milk quenches baby's thirst
You might think, if you only drink milk, you don't get enough water. However, this does not apply to breast milk. Mother Nature has devised an ingenious system to ensure that little human babies survive
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
August 31, 2022
Of course, nothing beats breast milk. It is the healthiest food you can give your baby. But what if your milk is not enough to satisfy your baby? Or if your baby doesn't gain weight fast enough after birth? Then supplementary feeding is often advised. For many mamas who would like to breast/chest feed, this feels like a defeat; the fear of never being able to breast/chest feed fully, or not being able to do so again, is high. Let's take a closer look at why this doesn't have to always be the case and how you can offer replacement milk in a breast/chest feeding-friendly way.
The four most common reasons for supplementary feeding
Bottles are often offered as a quick solution to breast/chest feeding dilemmas. However, are they really always necessary?
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
August 22, 2022
"Don't eat cabbage when you're breast/chest feeding, or your baby will get gas", "What, you drink orange juice? But that will give your baby a sore bottom" - many typical and well-intentioned pieces of advice that you may have heard yourself or from others in the course of your breast/chest feeding period sound like this? But is it really true? Although most of it has never been scientifically proven, these supposed "wisdoms" persist. That's why our wonderful midwife Katrin Ritter sums up in this article what really matters - and what you can safely forget (even without breast/chest feeding dementia).
10 things breast/chest feeding women should know about eating and drinking
1. A breast/chest feeding woman can eat what is good for her
Wow, this news must be a
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
August 04, 2022
World Breastfeeding Week starts from the 1st until 7th August, we are supporting the wonderful topic of breastfeeding with advice and some top tips from our experts. Some of you may be surprised to learn that Ergobaby has a lot of expertise in this area. Not only do we have our experienced midwife Katrin Ritter on hand to provide us and you with advice and valuable tips on breast/chest feeding but we also have a nursing pillow in our range.
The Natural Curve™ nursing pillow has an ergonomic shape and was specially developed for the correct belly-to-belly position when breast/chest feeding. The cosy pillow
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
August 02, 2022
One of the top concerns on the minds of new mums and mums-to-be is breastfeeding/chest feeding. That's why we covered the crucial first hour after birth in the first part of our blog series on breastfeeding/ chest feeding problems. If you haven't read the blog yet, take a look here.
In this article, our midwife and babywearing expert, Katrin Ritter talks about how to latch baby correctly.
Why breast/chest feeding is a brilliant decision
Immediate, undisturbed and extended skin-to-skin contact is the foundation to successful breast/chest feeding . This is not the sole responsibility
Health & Wellness
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
July 20, 2022
Nipple piercings: What do I have to bear in mind during pregnancy and breast/chestfeeding?
When you hear terms like snake bite, flat helix, high nostril or orbital, you immediately know what it's all about? Great, then maybe this is the right blog post for you. For everyone else: The above terms refer to different piercings for the mouth, ear and nose. Since body jewellery is currently making a comeback, we wanted to take another look at the topic of piercings and answer the question: can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing? It's clear that a nose or ear stud won't get in the way. Unless your baby discovers something glittering on your face and wants to pull it (ouch!). However, this post is about nipple piercings.
So, if you have your nipples pierced and you're wondering can you breast/chestfeed with a nipple piercing in, then read on:
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
July 02, 2022
Are you expecting a baby and want to breastfeed no matter what? Then this is the right article for you. Because many chest/breastfeeding problems in the early postpartum period can be avoided if you keep a few important things in mind. Since the first hour after birth is the most important foundation stone for a successful chest/breastfeeding start, today we would like to take a closer look at the nine phases of a newborn's adjustment. Our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter will again explain to you what you and the midwives looking after you should pay attention to.
The nine phases of a newborn's adjustment
The Swedish doctor Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Widström from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and her team observed children in the first hours after birth and analysed hundreds of hours of video material. They discovered nine
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
June 18, 2022
For all those who didn't know it yet: Baby carrying and breastfeeding/chestfeeding is an unbeatable combination. There are even studies that show that intensive physical contact between mum and baby promotes successful breastfeeding/chest feeding and that the use of a baby carrier can even outweigh the negative effects of a complicated birth or initial separation.
So if you want to breastfeed/chestfeed your baby, it is worthwhile to carry him or her as often and as close to you as possible. Especially after birth, letting your baby crawl to your breast while lying on your mother's stomach is the most important building block for starting the breastfeeding/ chest feeding relationship. The physical closeness also stimulates milk production through the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Of course, it's no wonder that your little one gets wind of this when you're out and about in the baby carrier and wants a sip.
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
August 06, 2021
World Breast/Chestfeeding Week 2021
We caught up with Dr Kiran Rahim (@themunchingmedic) to get her insight into breast/chestfeeding in the UK today for World Breastfeeding Week. Here's what she had to say...
As a Paediatrician, I fully support every parent’s right to feed her baby however she wishes. The choice between breast/chestfeeding and formula feeding can be daunting, especially if you are a first-time parents. Sadly having spent many many hours on the postnatal unit, talking to parents and their partners I know all too well the shame, guilt and embarrassment women feel surrounding decisions on how they feed their babies. Feelings that are furthered by the little support they may receive from services as well as the opinion of others. Opinions that range from ‘Breast is best’
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
August 02, 2020
Human Milk - Tailor-made for Tiny Humans. Babywearing and breastfeeding are a perfect match.
Holding your baby close has many benefits for both you and your baby, not least for stress relief, bonding, and breastfeeding. Your baby wanting to be close to you all the time is the most natural thing in the world. And it can also be challenging for us mothers.
Using a baby carrier is an age-old way to stay close, whilst also being able to move around and use your arms! And you can breastfeed in all of Ergobaby's carriers.
Holding our children, especially skin-to-skin, but also clothed, causes the production of a hormone called oxytocin, which has a host of essential positive effects on both mother and child. Oxytocin helps to warm our skin and regulate our baby’s temperature and induces feelings of safety, well-being,