“Don’t eat cabbage when you’re breast/chest feeding, or your baby will get gas”, “What, you drink orange juice? But that will give your baby a sore bottom” – many typical and well-intentioned pieces of advice that you may have heard yourself or from others in the course of your breast/chest feeding period sound like this?…
Carrying a baby under your heart is a gift and incredibly exciting. What will it look like? Will it have mum’s snub nose or rather dad’s straight nose? And how will you decorate the nursery? Yes, there are many things to think about during pregnancy (or before). But for some unknown reason (at least for…
Are you expecting a baby and want to breastfeed no matter what? Then this is the right article for you. Because many chest/breastfeeding problems in the early postpartum period can be avoided if you keep a few important things in mind. Since the first hour after birth is the most important foundation stone for a…
Happy Father’s Day to the new dads, the stay at home dad’s, the dads that miss things while they’re at work, the dads who have lost their loves, the dads reading this on the loo where they’re hiding, the dads absolutely crushing it, the dads barely holding it together, to anyone that considers themself a…
New Survey From Baby Carrier Specialist Wear My Baby 57% of new parents experiencing mental health issues in their first year 89% of parents surveyed said that using a baby carrier had a positive impact on their mental health New parents are experiencing soaring mental health issues, according to a new survey from Wear…
Naytal is the UK’s first online clinic dedicated to pregnant and postnatal women We are delighted to announce our partnership with Naytal, helping our pregnant and postnatal mamas get access to the support they need, when they need it most. Naytal offers instant, online access to women’s health experts from the comfort of…
A First Time Dad’s Top Tips for Surviving the First Week with your New Baby The first week of being a new parent can be extremely daunting for everyone, including dads and partners so we caught up with a new dad to ask his tops tips for surviving (and thriving!) in those early days….
How to deal with your fears about birth – and why it’s so essential that you do We have a brilliant guest blog for you today from birth coach Rachel Quickenden. Rachel is a mum of two little boys and lives in Kent. She is a birth coach, teaching hypnobirthing and antenatal courses and supporting…
Safely Returning to Exercise Post Birth Bernadette Dancy Phd, is a Health Coach and Personal Trainer with over 15 years’ experience working as a health and exercise specialist. She now works as a Full Time Mum (is there any other kind?!) and part time Health and Exercise Coach delivering Skype Coaching Programmes to people all…
Can I Use a Baby Carrier when Pregnant? Growing your family is a big and exciting thing and whilst some people might assume that you’ve ‘done it all before’ there are plenty of new challenges to face and experiences to enjoy being pregnant the second (or third or fourth or fifth!) time around. One…