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Expert Tips for Parents

Looking for midwife tips on all things baby? Our in-house midwife Katrin Ritter knows what questions new parents might be asking! From babywearing to baby sleep and some medical topics, we’ve got you covered!

The best baby carrier for travel!

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 29, 2024
Ergobaby Omni Breeze at the airport

In everyday life and when travelling with your baby, you will often find yourself in situations and places that are quite turbulent and full of stimuli for a little brain. In the supermarket, on public transport or perhaps even on a plane. Moments like these can be quite challenging and overwhelming for your baby. That’s…

Baby milestones: 4-month-old baby milestones

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 24, 2024
Ergobaby baby bbouncer

Welcome back to your baby’s delicate development journey. We’ve reached month four and it’s time for “4-month-old baby milestones”, the fourth part of our blog series “Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year. So today, together with our expert and midwife Katrin, we want to look at what your baby can already do at…

How to: Breast/chestfeeding a newborn – Everything you need to know for the early days with baby

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 4, 2024

Breast/chestfeeding has so many benefits for mum and baby. But unfortunately, first-time parents with no experience are often unsure when it comes to breast/chestfeeding after birth. After all, they don’t know exactly what to expect. They hear and see a lot in advance. From glossy social media images of happy breast/chestfeeding to well-intentioned advice from…

Stress and breast/chestfeeding problems – what’s the connection?

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 19, 2024
Baby breastfeeding

You’ve waited so long for the moment when you finally hold your little baby in your arms. This breath-taking moment, these incredible emotions, this miracle… And yet for many mums (and dads too), this moment heralds a phase characterised by expectations, pressure, and stress. Ideally, of course, this shouldn’t be the case. But unfortunately, in…