Ergonomic and Safe: the Best Newborn Bouncer

  • Ergobaby
  • Sep 27, 2024
Bouncer for Newborn from Ergobaby

Cooking, showering, working out – in daily life with a baby, you quickly encounter situations where you’d like to put your little one down for a moment. Newborns aren’t usually thrilled with this idea. Firstly because, as you likely know, we are a carrying species meaning our babies are designed to be carried. And secondly, because if they are put down they quickly lose sight of you and this goes against their instincts until a certain age. A baby bouncer is a brilliant alternative for ‘parking’ your child for a short time. Not only can your little treasure continue to observe you, but, from the right age, they can also entertain and soothe themselves with gentle bouncing movements. However, if your baby has just arrived, it’s crucial to ensure that your newborn bouncer is suitable for newborns. Why is this so important?

Baby Bouncer for Newborns: Ergonomically Supported from Head to Hip

Newborns, like older babies, need secure and ergonomic support. This starts with proper head support, extends to the developmentally appropriate posture of the spine, and includes the position of the legs in the so-called ‘spread-squat’ or M-position. Without a suitable newborn insert, which a bouncer for newborns like our Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer have, these requirements cannot be met for most newborns.

Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) e. V. is an independent organisation with the aim of promoting back health. They have precisely outlined what makes a baby bouncer ergonomic and suitable for newborns. If you’re looking for a bouncer for your little one from birth, here’s what to consider:

  • Usable from birth: A newborn bouncer should be suitable from a weight of 2.5 kg. Many bouncers on the market, however, are only suitable from 3.5 kg. This means that many lighter babies can’t use these bouncers in their first weeks. This is a shame when this is precisely when you’d love to have a safe, cosy spot to place baby for a moment?
  • Ergonomic newborn insert: This feature makes it possible to use the bouncer for newborns. It keeps your tiny one’s body in an ergonomic position without restricting natural, developmentally appropriate movement. Many bouncers lack this insert, causing babies to slump, slide sideways, and have unsupported, dangling legs.
  • Grows with baby: As babies have different needs at each stage, an ergonomic bouncer should adapt accordingly. Your newborn quickly becomes a more independent baby, then a toddler. Ideally you should be able to easily adjust the height or position of the bouncer.
  • Easy handling: This is crucial when choosing a bouncer for newborns. You’ll likely have your baby in your arms while preparing the bouncer. It should be possible to set up with one hand. The harness should open quickly and easily, ensuring you can remove your baby swiftly if needed.

Remember, a good bouncer for newborn supports your baby’s development while giving you a helping hand. You’ll appreciate having a safe, comfortable spot for your little one.

  • Age-appropriate head support: A newborn bouncer’s insert should offer ample space for baby’s head, whilst providing good support. Many bouncers fall short here. This can push your baby’s chin to their chest, narrowing their airways and affecting the oxygen they receive. However, the head shouldn’t simply fall sideways either, as this could also lead to breathing issues. Your baby should be able to gently stretch their head back and turn it slightly – especially important in the first 3 months
  • Ergonomic sitting and lying position: From day one, a bouncer should support your child’s body well, keeping thighs in a developmentally appropriate, slightly bent and spread position (no dangling legs!). As your baby grows, they’ll become more mobile and curious, eager to explore. A good bouncer should ‘grow’ ergonomically with them, without compromising healthy development of their spine, pelvis, legs and feet. This means offering an appropriate, comfy lying position for newborns, and a more upright, ergonomic position for older babies and toddlers.

Remember, a newborn bouncer isn’t just about comfort – it’s about supporting your baby’s development at every stage. 

Avoiding overstimulation and promoting self-regulation: The more stimuli your baby experiences, the quicker they become overwhelmed. Therefore, a newborn bouncer  shouldn’t create additional stimuli that can lead to overstimulation e.g. constantly or vigorously bouncing baby electrically. Ideally a bouncer should only swing through the baby’s own movement or manually by parents. As your baby grows, they’ll better understand the bouncer’s movements and how to use their body to bounce purposefully. But only as much as is good for them in each situation. This way, they learn to self-regulate in certain moments and often calm down on their own. Remember, less stimulation can actually help your baby develop better self-soothing skills.

Best Newborn Bouncer Ergobaby Light Grey

The Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer: The Perfect Newborn Bouncer

Baby hammocks, swings, high chair attachments, playpens, and car seats – these are all common spots where parents place their little ones when they need a moment to themselves. However, these options often aren’t ergonomically designed and may not support healthy development. To highlight the difference, we’re comparing different kinds of bouncers, swings, etc. and we’ll share our findings in a blog post next month. Stay tuned!

Midwives, babywearing consultants, and the AGR (Campaign for Healthier Backs) have already done their own comparisons of our newborn bouncer too. The result? The Ergobaby 3-in-1 Evolve Bouncer became the first AGR-certified baby bouncer. It also impressed baby and health experts in everyday use tests. See for yourself here.

Verena Fischer, Paediatric Nurse

“In my daily work, the Ergobaby Evolve 3-in-1 bouncer has won me over. It offers parents a safe, short-term spot for their baby, where little ones feel very comfortable.”

Nadja Kitzmann, Midwife

“The material is high quality, very comfortable, easy to clean and fits snugly around the head so that the child’s head lies comfortably and doesn’t tip to one side as with many other manufacturers. And: My own 6-month-old baby had fun moving around in it by kicking himself.”

We’d highly recommend always checking that your baby gear is ergonomic and will grow with baby. When you’re choosing a newborn bouncer be critical – you now know what to look for to ensure your newborn (and older baby/toddler) can rest and play ergonomically, safely, and comfortably. And remember: As your baby grows, they’ll need more playtime and development opportunities on the floor, including tummy time when awake.