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Babywearing Expert Tips

Do you have questions about your baby carrier? In this category you will find babywearing tips for all of our baby carriers, including on how to put them on correctly, product information and tips for every stage of life, every season and every one of your favourite Ergobaby products.

Winter Wearing Tips

  • Ergobaby
  • Dec 8, 2017

We’ve had a few questions from new parents asking for advice about how to dress baby whilst they’re in a baby carrier during the cold weather, so here are our top 3 Winter wearing tips : 1. Less is More Dressing baby in too many layers of clothing could cause them to overheat, so start…

Benefits of Babywearing

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 27, 2017

We carry our babies for almost a year while pregnant.And while in utero they’re warm and safe, our breaths and heartbeat their constant companions. But when baby is born, it’s a whole new world for them (and us too!). Luckily, we can babywear, whichbrings our little ones right back to us. Babywearing gives both of…