
Frequently Asked Questions


What is the age-weight range of the Stroller?

Metro can be used from birth up to 9 kg with the newborn kit. The stroller seat can be used from 6 months up to 18 kg.

Is the Metro with the white and blue details on the frame/stroller base also available with the black, red and grey sunshade?

No, the pop blue frame is only available with the blue sunshade.

Will the Newborn Kit with blue sunshade also fit on the classic black frame?

Yes, the blue Newborn Kit will also fit on the classic black frame.

Is the included rain cover to be used with the stroller and the newborn kit or is a separate rain cover included in the newborn kit?

There is a rain cover included with the stroller that fits the 6m+ seat and a separate rain cover included in the newborn kit that fits the newborn kit.