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Expert Tips for Parents

Looking for midwife tips on all things baby? Our in-house midwife Katrin Ritter knows what questions new parents might be asking! From babywearing to baby sleep and some medical topics, we’ve got you covered!

Household with baby – How to master spring cleaning with baby at home

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 14, 2023
Household with baby

Springtime is so much more than a transitional time between colder temperatures and long sunny beach days. It’s a season of beautiful blooming flowers and new beginnings. Apart from our window panes, which are often in particular need of thorough cleaning after a dark winter, the first rays of sunshine also highlights everything unwelcome visible…

Breathable baby carrier made of mesh or cotton? You decide!

  • Ergobaby
  • Apr 13, 2023
Breathable Baby carrier

You might ask does the type of carrier fabric matter? Well yes it does.  You’ve probably already noticed that when browsing our baby carrier range, there are different styles/designs, colours, positions and age restrictions. But there is one point in particular that divides many opinions: the question of material.  Our babywearing advisors are often asked…

How much sleep does my baby need?

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 31, 2023

Infant sleep Do you find yourself staring at your new baby sleeping and wondering “how much sleep does my baby need?” Our UK sleep specialist Gemma Coe is a mum of two herself and is a certified baby and child sleep consultant. She helps families all over the world develop healthy sleep habits. Today, Gemma…

How pregnancy alters a mother’s brain

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 18, 2023

If you’re a mother, chances are you understand the changes we go through during pregnancy, after birth, and in the years following. It’s no surprise when you learn a fellow mum is unable to multitask or forgets the simplest things or is constantly consumed by their children’s well-being. Want to know something amazing? It’s not…

What to do in case of mastitis (inflammation of the breast/chest)? Prevent, recognise, treat

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 7, 2023
Breastfeeding problems

There is nothing better for mum and baby than breast/chest feeding. A well-functioning breast/chest feeding relationship is something wonderful. But what few people talk about is: inflamed nipples, milk retention and mastitis which can also cause a lot of pain for new mums. If left untreated, or treated too late, mastitis can even lead to…