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Expert Tips for Parents

Looking for midwife tips on all things baby? Our in-house midwife Katrin Ritter knows what questions new parents might be asking! From babywearing to baby sleep and some medical topics, we’ve got you covered!

Baby’s developmental steps: Ergobaby is by your side at every milestone during the first year.

  • Ergobaby
  • Jun 1, 2023

Whether you’re thinking about which must-have items you should be packing for your hospital bag or wondering when your baby will start making those adorable aaaahs and ooohs or are Googling how long the cruising stage lasts, our latest newsletter is just the thing for you. Our Ergobaby experts along with midwife and babywearing consultant…

Breast/chest feeding tips from a midwife: The 10 most frequently asked questions and answers about breast/chest feeding

  • Ergobaby
  • May 31, 2023

Breast/chest feeding is the most natural thing in the world. However, for some it can be challenging, yet somehow it is so easy for others. Lift your top, latch your baby in a relaxed position, done! Once you decide you want to try breast/chest feeding, so many questions suddenly arise. Our experienced midwife and babywearing…