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Expert Tips for Parents

Looking for midwife tips on all things baby? Our in-house midwife Katrin Ritter knows what questions new parents might be asking! From babywearing to baby sleep and some medical topics, we’ve got you covered!

Safe Sleep Tips

  • Ergobaby
  • Mar 14, 2019
Ergobaby UK | Safe Sleep Tips | Classic Sleep Bag in Elephant

Safe sleep is an issue that regularly makes the news, and something parents may experience anxiety about. If your child is sleeping in your room, their own room or co-sleeping, we want to reduce the risk of SIDS. We can do this by putting our child down to sleep in a safe environment. Here are…

Self-Care in the Fourth Trimester

  • Ergobaby
  • Feb 21, 2019
Ergobaby UK | Self-Care in the Fourth Trimester | Ergobaby Aura Baby Wrap in 'Wine'

Originally posted on Abby is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist at Burd Psychotherapy in San Diego, CA. She specializes in Perinatal Mental Health, which includes mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and loss. In her free time she occasionally blogs at Baby Bird’s Farm and Cocina, where she shares adventures in natural parenting,…

5 Reasons to Visit a Baby Show

  • Ergobaby
  • Feb 7, 2019
5 Reasons to Visit A Baby Show | Ergobaby UK

1. Learn Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge learning curve, which can be equal parts exciting and daunting! Luckily, baby show events allow for experts to come together and help you navigate your new world of parenting. Under one roof you will have a number of health professionals, nursery brands and…

Sling Library Spotlight : Coventry Slings

  • Ergobaby
  • Oct 1, 2018

This month we’re showcasing Coventry Slings, as part of our “Sling Library Spotlight” series!   Introducing Hayley Standell & Eleanor Molloy, the qualified babywearing consultants behind ‘Coventry Slings’.          Top Question What’s the best carrier for……..? The best carrier is unique to the adult and child using it, which is why…

Babywearing & Brain Development

  • Ergobaby
  • Sep 6, 2018

Dr Henrik Norholt writes about how using a babywearing may influence your baby’s brain development.   About Dr Henrik Dr. Henrik Norholt is a member of The World Association of Infant Mental Health, The Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health and The Society of Emotion and Attachment Studies. He is an expert in the effects…

6 Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding in Public

  • Ergobaby
  • Aug 21, 2018

Originally posted on Kirsten Metcalf is a writer, editor and mother to a hilarious but very strong-willed toddler and a beautiful baby girl. She started writing short stories in elementary school and years later became a sports reporter and editor. Now, she mainly writes marketing, religious and parenting-related blog posts. Even before she knew…